čtvrtek 23. února 2012


In this article I would like to indicate some of the major themes that occur in the play.
Firstly the strory is not difficuil or flowery. There are no epic scenes. On the other hand it highlights the importance of human communication and expression. Those things play significant role in our lifes moreover if we cannot fully express who we are we will never be happy and satisfied. Helen used to be a spoilt child with no goal but then suddenly a miracle happened and she was able to use all her hidden potecial.
The miracle presents the change which Helen undergoes in the process of learning. The change of her perception of the world is really amazing. If it was not for Annie it all should have ended differently. Annies  determination helped to transfom Helen into a brand new lady. After all fights and disputes they went through at the end Annie says: 'I, love, Helen. Forever, and-ever.'

2 komentáře:

  1. So what do you think the primary theme(s) is/are?

  2. I think that the main themes are friendship, mutual underastanding and trust between two people.
