While I was searching for some reviews I could possibly use in this post I came across a sentence that was published at www.backstage.com and said by Erik Haagensen "I've never been sure if William Gibson wrote a great play or merely an expert telling of a great story." I partially agree that The Miracle Worker is so extraordinary because of the great story but W. Gibson is at least a decent writer.
The play itself is very easy to follow. W. Gibson uses many mataphores and alliterations such as "How does a bird learn to fly? We're born to use words, like wings, it has to come,". In my opinion it sounds very pretty however it is said by Annie who is 20 years old girl so it does not really fit.
As another reviewer, I really enjoyed stage directions because it reminds me a prose and I like prose. Despite the fact that both leading actresses were awarded by an Academy Awards some scenes are better on paper then on screan, expecially those that are deeply emotional and soulful.
William Gibson might not be the best writer ever but his piece si vivid and readable, connecting these qualities with the great story of Annie and Hellen makes this play special.
You don't think that it's possible that somebody at the age of 20 could come up with such an idea, or be able to express it so well? http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/1268
OdpovědětVymazatWell, I know some of Rimbauds poems and actually I might graduate from this piece "The Drunken Boat", I think that if Annie Sullivan were so good or brilliant at expressing her ideas she would be more famous but the truth she did not write anything during her life. Anyway of course that it is possible to come up with awesome ideas at the age of 20 but in this case I am a bit sceptical.